
Nurturing Children in Islam – Paperback

Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £4.50.

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Title: Nurturing Children in Islam
Author: Dr Rafaqat Rashid
Editor: Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam Sahib
Published by: JKN Publications
Bond: Paperback
Published Year: 2020
Format: A5
Pages: 139
ISBN: 9781909114517

This book explores various parental topics, offering guidance, techniques, and tools for nurturing children according to Islamic spiritual principles.


Nurturing Children in Islam- Paperback by Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam

Bringing up children has never been an easy duty. The challenges do not get easier as they get older either. Our emotions and other priorities sometimes hinder in nurturing our children, and as such, we fail to assist our children in reaching their potentially continually stumbling over our own perception of what we consider as ideal children. Our duty to our children is not without accountability. Our neglect and lack of interest in our children will be held to task.

Initially, Mufti Sahib intention was to write a separate book, but after editing and proofreading Dr Rafaqat Rashid  Sahib’s articles in Al Mu’min Magazine, he decided to publish it as a separate book. These articles discuss many factors encouraging this Islamic upbringing we all desire and are of vital importance in the Nurturing children.

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Weight 250 g