The True Believers – Paperback


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Sūrah Mujādalah highlights the common practises amongst the Arabs prior to Islām. One of the main practises being zihār.


The True Believers – Paperback by Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam

Sūrah Mujādalah highlights the common practises amongst the Arabs prior to Islām. One of the main practises being zihār. Zihār was when a man would compare his wife to his mother saying the words; “You are like my mother’s back.” By uttering these words, intercourse between the husband and wife was prohibited, moreover the woman could not go and get married again. This was unfair and unjust towards a woman because she had no way out of it, until the verses of Sūrah Mujādalah got revealed to outlaw the inhumane practice.








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Weight 500 g